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Where are they now? An RDM update from the University of Hull
The University of Hull benefited from a DCC institutional engagement that completed over a year ago now. Noting that, it is good to realise the progress that has been made since then in establishing research data management within the institution...
The University of Hull benefited from a DCC institutional engagement that completed over a year ago now. Noting that, it is good to realise the progress that has been made since then in establishing research data management within the institution...
The institutional engagement kickstarted our year-long RDM Working Group, which had good cross-Faculty and Service area representation. The Group spent a series of meetings in 2013 exploring the different facets of RDM and how they should be best addressed for the University. These discussions proved fruitful initially in simply raising awareness amongst staff of the issues involved. But they also highlighted priorities for embedding RDM within research practice. The main foci in the conclusions from the Group were as follows:
- To provide training through different channels to more broadly make staff, and students, aware of RDM, what it involves and how it can benefit them. This need has so far been translated into staff development sessions, a PG module (based on the MANTRA materials from Edinburgh) and a number of ad hoc subject-specific events, and additional opportunities will continue to be explored.
- To embed RDM through research and ethics approvals processes. Making use of existing processes rather than adding another one was felt very strongly to be important, and how data is managed frequently has an ethical dimension anyway. Guidance has been fed out to Faculties and they are steadily responding to this.
- To increase awareness of RDM funder requirements and opportunities, and recognise these within grant applications on a consistent basis. Guidance is being steadily rolled out through the Research Funding Office and it has been good to see a small but notable increase in academic requests for support with this during 2014.
To support this awareness, a research data management LibGuide is being developed to pull together the different elements of RDM across the research lifecycle. This will be used to disseminate relevant documentation, including our DMP template and checklist, and support on making use of our local Hydra digital repository for managing and sharing data.
So, to the future, what next? It is very gratifying to note the recent approval of a RDM Steering Group to continue the Working Group’s work and put this on a firmer footing in advising the University on RDM matters. A draft institutional policy is currently out for comment, and this will form the backbone for future developments. The next year looks like it will just as busy as the last ;-)
Chris Awre, Head of Information Management, University of Hull
Earlier RDM updates
- See more at: /blog/where-are-they-now-rdm-update-university-edinburgh#sthash.Y9JfdlNo.dpuf
Earlier RDM updates
- See more at: /blog/where-are-they-now-rdm-update-university-edinburgh#sthash.Y9JfdlNo.dpuf
Earlier RDM updates