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Accepted Papers
The following papers have so far been accepted and will be presented on the second day of the conference:
- "One for Many. A Metadata Concept for Mixed Digital Content at a State Archive" [PDF, 235KB] Kai Naumann, Christian Keital, Rolf Lang (State Archive of Baden-Wurttemberg)
- "Data Stewardship: Environmental Data Curation and a Web-of-Repositories" [PDF, 109KB] Karen S Baker & Lynn Yarmey (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego)
- "Strategies for the Curation of CAD Engineering Models" [PDF, 529KB] Manjula Patel (DCC and UKOLN, University of Bath) Alexander Ball (UKOLN, University of Bath) Lian Ding (IdMRC, University of Bath)
- "Data Curation in Climate and Weather" [PDF, 188KB] Clifford A Jacobs, Steven J Worley (National Science Foundation & National Center for Atmospheric Research)
- "Curating Architectural 3D CAD Models" [PDF, 264KB] MacKenzie Smith (MIT Libraries)
- "Embedding metadata and other semantics in word processing documents" [PDF, 283KB] Peter Sefton, Ron Ward (Digital Futures Institute, University of Southern Queensland Ian Barnes (Australian National University) Jim Downing (Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, University of Cambridge)
- "Design and Implementation of the Australian National Data Service" [PDF, 89KB] Andrew Treloar (Monash University)
- "ARCHER - e-Research Tools for Research Data Management" [PDF, 627KB] Ian Atkinson, Ashley Buckle, David Groenewegen, Nick Nicholas, Andrew Treloar, Anthony Beitz (ANDS, ARCHER, ARROW, James Cook University e-Research Centre, Monash University Biochemistry Department, PILIN)
- "DIFFUSE Standards Frameworks: A Standards Path through the Curation Lifecycle" [PDF, 116KB] Sarah Higgins (Digital Curation Centre)
- "DCC&U: An Extended Digital Curation Lifecycle Model" [PDF, 520KB] Ion Androutsopoulos, Stavros Angelis, Panos Constantopoulos, Costis Dallas, Antonis Deligiannakis, Dimitris Gavrilis, Yannis Kotidis, Christos Papatheodorou (Digital Curation Unit, Athena Research Centre)
- "Relay-supporting Archives: Requirements and Progress" [PDF, 255KB] Greg Janee, James Frew (University of California, Santa Barbara) Terry Moore (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
- "A Compound Object Authoring & Publishing Tool for Literary Scholars based on IFLA-FRBR" [PDF, 718KB] Anna Gerber, Jane Hunter (University of Queensland)
- "The eXtensible Access Method (XAM) Standard" [PDF, 116KB] Steve Todd (EMC Corporation)
- "Comparison of Strategies and Policies for Building Distributed Digital Preservation Infrastructure: Initial Findings from the MetaArchive Cooperative" [PDF, 110KB] Martin Halbert (Emory University)
- "UK Government Web Continuity: Persisting access through aligning infrastructures" [PDF, 272KB] Amanda Spencer, John Sheridan, David Thomas (The National Archives)
- "Preservation Is Not a Place" [PDF, 173KB] Stephen Abrams, Patricia Cruse, John Kunze (California Digital Library, University of California)
- "An Institutional Framework for Creating Authenic Digital Objects" [PDF, 113KB] Ronald Jantz (Rutgers University Libraries)
- "The Publication of Research Data: researcher attitudes and behaviour" [PDF, 85KB] Aaron Griffiths (Research Information Network)