Because good research needs good data

DCC Roadshow Cambridge


09-11 November 2011 |

The sixth DCC Roadshow was organised in conjunction with Cambridge University Library. 
Find out more about this event: 'The DCC Roadshow in Cambridge, Day One', a blog post by Tahani Nadim, Kaptur Project Officer, University of London.
Day 1 - Wednesday 9 November



Researchers, digital repository managers, library staff, information and research organisations, data curators, data centre managers, data scientists, research funding organisations and research networks.

The aim of the day was:

  • To describe the emerging trends and challenges associated with research data management and their potential impact on higher education institutions
  • To examine case studies at both disciplinary and institutional levels, highlighting different models, approaches and working practice
  • To explain the role of the DCC in supporting research data management
  • To provide an overview of the portfolio of DCC resources, tools and services.
  • To facilitate networking and the exchange of skills and experience.


The changing data landscape - Graham Pryor, DCC

Expanding services in a digital world - Elin Stangeland, Cambridge University Library

Polar Data Centre - Nathan Cunningham, Polar Data Centre

Managing, publishing and citing data - David Shotton, University of Oxford

What the DCC can do for you - Andrew McHugh, DCC


Day 2 - Thursday 10 November



A full day event comprising a mixture of presentations, group work exercises and discussion to allow time for networking and collaboration.


Senior managers, Research PVCs/Directors, Directors of Information Services, University Librarians, Heads of Computing Services, Heads of Research Support Services, digital repository managers, senior staff from library, information services, data librarians.

Objectives - Strategy/Policy implementation

  • To describe the emerging trends, disciplinary diversity and challenges associated with research data management and their potential impact on higher education institutions

  • To communicate the implications of compliance with research data and funder policy requirements

  • To identify issues of risk governance that determine the adoption of effective research data management strategies

  • To examine case studies, institutional evidence and resulting lessons learned

  • To provide an overview of the resources, tools and services available via the DCC that can inform planning and service delivery

  • To identify first steps in developing an institutional strategic plan for research data management support and service delivery

  • To facilitate regional networking and the exchange of skills and experience.


Facing the data challenge: Institutions, Disciplines, Services and Risks - Kevin Ashley, DCC

Research data management at Leicester - Jonathan Tedds, University of Leicester


Day 3 - Friday 11 November

How to manage research data: tips and tools 


The day will run from 10.30am - 3pm.

The morning will be devoted to DC 101 training and will include an introduction to digital curation, the range of activities and roles that should be considered when planning and implementing new projects, and an overview of tools that can assist with curation activities.

In the afternoon, the DSpace@Cambridge team will run a session focussing on practical aspects of working with research data in Cambridge. The session will cover key issues that should be considered at different stages in the project lifecycle and introduce participants to support and services available at Cambridge.


Why should data management matter to me? Joy Davidson, DCC

Data management planning at the DCC - Martin Donnelly, DCC

Accessing support throughout the data lifecycle - Anna Collins, DSpace@Cambridge

Data Sharing, Elin Stangeland, DSpace@Cambridge


Data management planning exercise:


Sample data management plan

Sample project information

ESDS data management plan overview


Both these hotels are within walking distance of Homerton Confererence Centre

Cambridge CentralTravelodge

Helen Hotel


Costs and Registration

Registration was free and delegates could choose to attend one, two or three workshops, according to roles and responsibilities.

Registration is now closed.