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DCC Roadshow Cardiff
14-16 December 2011 |
Day 1 - Wednesday 14 December
The changing data landscape - Liz Lyon, DCC
Digital data management pilot projects - Sarah Phillips, Cardiff University
High performance computing and the challenges of data-intensive research - Professor Martyn Guest, Cardiff University
Research data storage "data bris" at University of Bristol - Caroline Gardiner and Stephen Gray, University of Bristol
Herding cats! Organising and publishing research in a forward thinking University - Alexander Roberts, Swansea University
Delivering an integrated Research Management & Administration system - Simon Foster, University of Exeter
Day 2 - Thursday 15 December
A full day event comprising a mixture of presentations, group work exercises and discussion to allow time for networking and collaboration.
Senior managers, Research PVCs/Directors, Directors of Information Services, University Librarians, Heads of Computing Services, Heads of Research Support Services, digital repository managers, senior staff from library, information services, data librarians.
Objectives - Strategy/Policy implementation
To describe the emerging trends, disciplinary diversity and challenges associated with research data management and their potential impact on higher education institutions.
To communicate the implications of compliance with research data and funder policy requirements.
To identify issues of risk governance that determine the adoption of effective research data management strategies.
To examine case studies, institutional evidence and resulting lessons learned.
To provide an overview of the resources, tools and services available via the DCC that can inform planning and service delivery.
To identify first steps in developing an institutional strategic plan for research data management support and service delivery.
To facilitate regional networking and the exchange of skills and experience.
Facing the data challenge: Institutions, Disciplines, Services and Risks - Liz Lyon, DCC
Day 3 - Friday 16 December
How to manage research data: tips and tools
The day will run from 10.30am - 3pm.
The morning will be devoted to DC 101 training and will include an introduction to digital curation, the range of activities and roles that should be considered when planning and implementing new projects, and an overview of tools that can assist with curation activities.
The afternoon programme will explore data licensing and selection and appraisal.
Costs and Registration
Registration is FREE and delegates can choose to attend one, two or three workshops, according to roles and responsibilities.