Because good research needs good data

DMPonline 10th year anniversary celebration week!

16-20 November 2020 |

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It's 10 years since we launched DMPonline and we want to celebrate that milestone. Our success owes much to the users, funders, subscribers, partners, ex-colleagues and current colleagues that all create the DMPonline community. We are planning a celebration week between 16 – 20 November mixing blog posts and online events, to reflect on these 10 years and look ahead to the future. Collaboration has been key to our success; we invite you to collaborate with us to celebrate that. 

We would like to invite you to take a part and tell us what do you think is the future of DMP? And if you have Twitter please use the following hashtag: #10yearsDMPonline 

See more information below, and register for our two online live events

Original idea - 16th November 2020 at 11:00-13:00 BST 

Register here





DMPonline - Original idea   

Kevin Ashley, Director, Digital Curation Centre  


Welcome to 10th year anniversary week 

Patricia Herterich, DMPonline


The Roots of DMPonline

Martin Donnelly, Research Data Support Manager 


Clients and accelerating: 10 years, 10 lessons​ 

Sarah Jones, GEANT 


How much do you know DMPonline? - short quiz  

Patricia Herterich, DMPonline


Driving the paradigm shift towards Open Science: FAIR data

Policy changes from Horizon2020 to Horizon Europe and plans for new requirements regarding DMPs, FAIR data and other research outputs.

Carlos Casorrán and Kostas Repanas, EC


Beyond funding: changing research behaviours through public policy and partnerships

The Health Research Board (HRB) experience in developing and implementing a new policy for FAIR research data management and sharing,  integrating the use of data management plans (DMPs) in its funding processes,  and drawing on partnerships and tools including DMPonline and the expertise of the Digital Curation Centre.​

Patricia Clarke, HRB 


Implementing Effective Data Practices: Stakeholder Recommendations for Collaborative Research Support

This talk brings together the perspective of various stakeholders across the scholarly communication landscape regarding the role of information communicated in DMPs as informed by the ARL/AAU/APLU's Implementing Effective Data Practices report and the earlier Survey of Data Management Plan Stakeholders conducted by the Research Data Alliance Exposing DMPs Working Group. 

Natalie Meyers, Exposing DMP WG  



Patricia Herterich, DMPonline

Future & collaboration - 20th November 2020 at 16:00-18:00  BST 

Register here

Building the new Networked DMP with DMPRoadmap





Collaboration and future of DMPs!  

Patricia Herterich, DMPonline


Welcome to Friday session celebration of 10 years of DMPonline

Magdalena Drafiova, DMPonline


The Canadian path to the Roadmap 

The Portage Network launched in 2015 with DMP Assistant, based on DMPonline, as the national Research Data Management Planning tool to contribute to the shared stewardship of research data and address specific gaps in national research data management infrastructure in Canada.  Over the years, we have collaborated with DCC in different capacities to improve the platform. With the tremendous help we received from DCC, DMP Assistant will be migrated to the DMP Roadmap codebase by the end of 2020. This talk will review the path we have come, and provide an overlook of the future for DMP Assistant 2.0.

Weiwei Shi, Portage


We’ve got maDMPs – what’s next

RDA has produced a recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs that is currently adopted by DMPonline and other tool providers. This is, however, only one of the steps towards creating an integrated data management infrastructure. In this talk I will present various possible application scenarios for machine-actionable DMPs and will give an outlook for further developments.

Tomasz Miksa, maDMP 


Building the new Networked DMP with DMPRoadmap [slides]

Maria Praetzellis, CDL


DMP OPIDoR, a DMPRoadmap instance with the French touch

Launched in 2016, DMP OPIDoR has become one of the main tool used by the French research community for producing DMPs. In order to meet the needs of this growing community, while integrating the evolutions of the DMPRoadmap codebase, developments have been iteratively undertaken and have led to the addition of new features such as support for multiple research outputs. Current developments aim to enable the content of the DMP to be structured and therefore reused and exchanged with the information systems of research organizations or research infrastructures, as well as enriched and updated.

Benjamin Faure, OPIDoR


Friday quiz 

Magdalena Drafiova, DMPonline


Your responses - Where you see the future of DMPs

Patricia Herterich, DMPonline

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