Because good research needs good data

DMPonline user group - Machine-actionable grant ID

10 October 2023 |

User group meeting Machine Actionable Learning (6).png

This user group meeting will focus on one of the development priorities for 2023-2024: machine-actionable (ma) grant ID field. The ma grant ID field will enable the user to retrieve details from the funder database, such as project title, start date, end date and collaborators. Don Stuckey, DMPonline Developer, will go over the proposed specification for this feature for DMPonline. Marie-Christine Jacquemot, Information Specialist at Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST), will demonstrate the equivalent feature from DMP OPIDoR, a tool based on the Roadmap code, with a very similar interface to DMPonline. 


Time UTC+1 Agenda Item
10:30 - 10:40 Introduction
10:40 - 11:05 Specification - machine-actionable grant ID - DMPonline
11:05 - 11:15 Questions
11:15 - 11:25 Coffee break
11:25 - 11:50 Machine-actionable grant ID - OPIDoR
11:50 - 12:00 Summary

Missed the event? Don't worry you can access the slides here and see the recording below or on our YouTube channel.