Because good research needs good data

FAIRsFAIR Repository Support Series: Using registries to improve the visibility of your repository service

13 July 2021 |

Repository registry services are an essential component of the FAIR ecosystem as they help researchers to navigate through thousands of data repository services to find the ones that are most suitable to store and provide access to their research outputs and to enable them to search for and repurpose FAIR data created by others. This webinar will introduce two leading registry services - re3data and FAIRsharing - and help you to understand how using these services can improve the visibility of your repository service for a wide range of end users - both human and machines. The speakers will provide practical tips on what information you should include in your registry record to maximise the visibility of your service. This session will be of interest to a wide range of repository service providers wishing to make their services more visible including those at the national, thematic and institutional level. The session is also of benefit to those who already have registry entries but wish to make them more effective. This webinar is being run in cooperation with FAIRsharing and re3data.

This event is the third in FAIRsFAIR monthly webinar series which aims to help repository managers become familiar with FAIR-enabling practices. Each webinar will provide an overview of a specific FAIR-enabling activity, share information on recent developments within FAIRsFAIR and other initiatives as well as offering examples of good practice, practical tips and recommendations. Each webinar will last a maximum in 1.5 hours and include time for questions and discussion. Registration is free and open to all however the main audience is repository managers and service providers. Data stewards and developers may also find the session informative.

To register for this event and/or to register to receive notifications of future webinars, please go to