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Exhibition of Posters & Demonstrations
To be held during IDCC11 in the Lancaster Room, Marriott Royal Hotel, Bristol
Language Archiving Technology
Daan Broeder, Menzo Windhouwer, Han Sloetjes & Peter Wittenberg, The Language Archive; MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegan, The Netherlands
MIT Exhibit: an open source data publishing and visualization tool for the Web
MacKenzie Smith, MIT
Data Curation Profiles and the Role of Gatekeeper
D.Scott Brandt, Purdue University Libraries
DM Vitals: A Data Management Assessment Recommendation Tool
Sherry Lake, University of Virginia Library & Susan Borda, Syracruse University
Automating Data Curation with Kepler Workflows
Lei Dou, Bertram Ludaescher,Timothy McPhillips & Sven Koehler - UC Davis Genome Center; James Hanken & Paul J Morris - Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; James A Macklin - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Robert A Morris & Zhimin Wang - Harvard University Herbaria
The BlogForever Survey: An Evidential Basis for the Preservation of Blogs
Silvia Arango-Docio, Ed Pinsent, Richard Davis, University of London Computer Centre, United Kingdom
Managing data in collaborative research: findings from five case studies
Ellen Collins, Research Information Network
DM Vitals: A Data Management Assessment Recommendation Tool
Sherry Lake, University of Virginia Library & Susan Borda, Syracruse University
Virtual Infrastructure with Database as a Service (VIDaaS)
James Wilson, University of Oxford
Reimagining the institutional repository as an open data archive
Lisa Johnson, University of Minnesota
Enabling Professionals for Digital Curation and Digital Archiving: DAS and DigCCurr
Christopher A Lee & Helen R Tibbo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Digital Curation Certificate Programs in the U.S.
Angela P Murillo, Heather Barnes & Alex Poole, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Making Data Visible: Data Citation Policy and Implementation at NCAR
Matthew S Mayernik, Karon Kelly, Mary Marlino & Mike Wright, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
DataONE (Observation Network for Earth): Enabling New Science by Supporting the Management of Data Throughout its Life Cycle
William Michener, Amber Budden & Rebecca Koskela, DataONE, University of New Mexico, Dave Vieglais, DataONE, University of Kansas
BitCurator: Tools for Digital Forensics Methods and Workflows in Real-World Collecting Institutions
Christopher A Lee & Kam Woods, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Matthew Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland
The Digital Preservation Training Programme
Patricia Sleeman, University of London Computer Centre
Building Library Capacity for Managing Data: Roles and Competencies in an Open Landscape
Sheila Corrall & Martin Lewis, University of Sheffield
Facet Publishing – Managing Research Data
Lessons from Digging Into Data: what data curators should know about computationally intensive research in the humanities and social sciences?
Charles Henry & Christa Williford, Council on Library & Information Resources
Modelling Digital Preservation Costs for ISIS Instrumental Data
Alice Lefort, Ester Conway et al, Cranfield University & Science and Technology Facilities Council
EPIC: A Journey into Preservation Planning
Barbara Bultmann, Anna Collins, David Piper & Elin Stangeland, Cambridge University Library
International waters: a case of interdisciplinary research data management
Tiffany C Chao, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Overview of the SafeArchive System
Micah Altman, Harvard University, Jonathan Crabtree & Thu-Mai Christian University of North Carolina, Nancy McGovern, University of Michigan
Reuse at data repositories: User and staff perspectives on the dissemination process
Ixchel Faniel, OCLC Research, Adam Kriesberg et al University of Michigan
One Thing is Missing or Two Things are Confused: An Analysis of OAIS Representation Information
Simone Sacchi, Karen M.Wickett et al Graduate School of Library and Information Science - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Data Management Skills Support Initiative (‘DaMSSI’)
Laura Molloy, Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) -- University of Glasgow
The Digital Curation Centre and Institutional Engagement
Digital Curation Centre
REDm-MED project
Alex Ball, UKOLN/DCC, University of Bath
Kaptur: managing visual arts research data in UK Higher Education
Marie-Therese Gramstadt, Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)
MiSS (MaDAM into Sustainable Service) - Delivering a Research Data Management Infrastructure at the University of Manchester
Meik Poschen, University of Manchester
data.bris the University of Bristol Research Data Repository
Simon Price, University of Bristol
Open Exeter: Human Factors in Research Data Management
Gareth Cole, University of Exeter
DataPool! Building capacity, developing skills, supporting researchers
Dorothy Byatt, University of Southampton
Research360 @ Bath - Managing data across the institutional research lifecycle
Kara Jones, University of Bath
Biomedical Research Infrastructure Software Service (BRISSkit): Towards a cloud enabled translational research IT platform
Dr Jonathan Tedds, University of Leicester
DATUM in Action
Julie McLeod University of Northumbria
History DMP
Chris Awre, University of Hull
Managing research data: a pilot study in Health and Life Sciences Organisation
Amanda Conway University of the West of England