Because good research needs good data

Programme with presentations

Monday 5 December





Programme of workshops


Pre-Conference Drinks Reception (aboard SS Great Britain)

Welcome Address

Professor Glynis Breakwell, Vice-Chancellor, University of Bath.

N.B. A map showing how to walk from the hotel to the SS Great Britain is available here

Tuesday 6 December

The first day of the conference will include a programme of invited speakers in plenary sessions together with an interactive afternoon, a “Community Space” for posters, demonstrations and informal meetings and a Symposium.


Conference Registration 



Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre.



“Public data opportunities” Ewan McIntosh,  CEO NoTosh.

[download from] [blog report]

Chair: Kevin Ashley


Organisational Perspectives 

Data matters: a view from a research funderDavid Lynn, Head of Strategic Planning & Policy, Wellcome Trust. [ppt] [pdf]

“Taking care of the university’s research data” Jeff Haywood, Vice Principal Knowledge Management, Chief Information Officer & Librarian, University Edinburgh. [pptx] [pdf]

“Data transparency: managing the legislative risk” Andrew Charlesworth, Director of the Centre for IT and Law (CITL) University of Bristol. [ppt] [pdf]




All posters and demonstrations available.


Research Perspectives

"Give researchers credit for all of their research" Mark Hahnel, FigShare, Digital Science. [download from prezi]

“Reproducible research” Victoria Stodden, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Columbia University. [download from]

Data use attribution and impact tracking” Heather Piwowar, DataONE postdoc with NESCent. [pdf]
Chair: Lee-Ann Coleman, Head of Science, Technology & Medicine, British Library

12.15-12.30 Discussion Panel



All posters and demonstrations available.





Interactive Afternoon

Minute Madness [pdf]

Chair: Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre

Community Space
Posters, informal meetings, schedule of demos, curation clinics etc.


DCC Symposium

"Share your genome? Dealing with very personal data" [pptx] [pdf]

Professor Adam Hedgecoe, Associate Director, ESRC Centre for Economic & Social Aspects of Genomics (Cesagen), Cardiff University

Dr Liz Lyon, Associate Director, DCC

Presentation and discussion

Chair: Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information



Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information.



Reception & Poster Session

Conference Dinner
Kings Suite, Marriott Royal Hotel

Wednesday 7 December

The second day will feature the accepted papers, including full peer-reviewed papers covering all types of digital curation research and practice papers, presenting experience in institutions, research domains or regions.





Kevin Ashley, Director of the Digital Curation Centre


Keynote .

“Open data driving scholarly communications in 2020”

Professor Philip E Bourne, Department of Pharmacology, University of California San Diego and Editor-in-Chief PLoS Computational Biology. [ppt] [pdf]

Chair: Professor Matthew G.Davidson, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science, University of Bath


Best Peer Reviewed Paper

"Grammar-based Specification and Parsing of Binary File Formats" William Underwood, Georgia Tech Research Institute [ppt] [pdf]

Chair: Professor Matthew G.Davidson, Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science, University of Bath



All posters and demonstrations available

Session 1


Parallel A [all presentations, pdf]

Data Management & Planning

"Development of a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester – Approach, Findings, Challenges and Outlook of the MaDAM Project."  - Meik Poschen, University of Manchester [ppt] [pdf]

"DMPonline and DMPTool: Different strategies towards a shared goal." -  Martin Donnelly, University of Edinburgh [pptx] [pdf]

"The Data Management Skills Support Initiative: synthesising postgraduate training in research data management." - Laura Molloy, University of Glasgow [ppt] [pdf]

"Building human and infrastructure capacity through a national approach: the ANDS experience " - David Groenewegen, Australian National Data Service (ANDS) [pptx] [pdf]

Chair: Scott Brandt, Purdue University [pdf]

Parallel B


"Inter-disciplinary Curation and Use of Language Data - Experiences from the DOBES Programme" -Peter Wittenburg, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics [pptx] [pdf]

"Trends in Use of Scientific Workflows: Insights from a Public Repository and Guidelines for Best Practices" - Richard Littauer, Universität des Saarlandes [pptx] [pdf]

"Golden Trail: Retrieving the Data History that Matters from a Comprehensive Provenance Repository" - Paolo Missier, Newcastle University [ppt] [pdf]




Chair: MacKenzie Smith, Research Director, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Session 2


Parallel A

Policy & Legal

"Developments in research funder data policy" - Sarah Jones, DCC, University of Glasgow [pptx] [pdf]

"The KRDS Benefit Analysis Toolkit: Development and Application" - Neil Beagrie, Charles Beagrie Ltd [ppt] [pdf]

"Freedom of Information in the UK and its Implications for Research in the Higher Education Sector" - Ellen Collins, Research Information Network [ppt] [pdf]

"What Your Tweets Tell Us About You: Identity, Ownership and Privacy of Twitter Data" - Kristine Kasianovitz, University of California, Los Angeles [Presentation on Slideshare] [Handout on Slideshare]

Chair: Wendy White, Head of Scholarly Communication, Hartley Library, University of Southampton

Parallel B


"CKAN: Enabling Collaboration around the Open Data Ecosytem" - Irina Bolychevsk , The Open Knowledge Foundation [download from google docs]

"Peer-reviewed open research data: pilot results" - Marjan Grootveld, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) [pptx] [pdf]

"Managing risks in the preservation of research data with preservation networks" - Esther Conway, Science and Technology Facilities Council [pptx] [pdf]


Chair: Sheila Corrall, Professor of Librarianship & Information Management, University of Sheffield



All posters and demonstrations available

Session 3


Parallel A


"Digital forensics formats: seeking a digital preservation storage format for web archiving" - Yunhyong Kim, University of Glasgow [pdf]

"Assessing Migration Risks for Scientific Data Formats" - Chris Frisz & Geoffrey Brown, Indiana University [pdf]

"Towards the development of a test corpus of digital objects for the evaluation of file format identification tools and signatures" - Ross Spencer, The National Archives [ppt] [pdf]




Chair: Andy Powell,Director of Services Development, Eduserv

Parallel B

Environmental Data

"Making Data a First Class Scientific Output: data citation and publication by NERC’s environmental data centres"- Sarah Callaghan, NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre [ppt] [pdf]

"Opening up Climate Research: a linked data approach to publishing data provenance" - Arif Shaon, NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre [pptx][pdf]

"Scientific Research Data Management for Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Data – The TR32DB" - Constanze Curdt, University of Cologne [pptx] [pdf]

"Understanding the 'Intensive' in 'Data Intensive Research': Data Flows in Next Generation Sequencing and Environmental Networked Sensors"- Ruth McNally, Lancaster University [pptx] [pdf]

Chair: Jonathan Tedds, Senior Research Liaison Manager, University of Leicester

15.30-15.35 Award for Best Poster


Closing Keynote

Advancing Research and Technology to Safeguard our Digital Future - Natasa Milic-Frayling, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC)

Chair: Kevin Ashley


Closing Remarks

Kevin Ashley, Director of the DCC




Thursday 8 December




Programme of workshops