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Registration & accommodation
Conference registration fees
- DCC Associates: £275
- DCC Non Associate: £325
- Group Institutional Rate: £250
For more information about becoming a DCC Associate
There are a limited number of discounted student places available. Please email for further information.
*After 25 November 2011 there will be no discounted rates available - all registrations will be charged at £325* -
This date has now been extnded from the origibnal date of 15 Novemebr due to high demand.
Workshop registration fees
There will a programme of workshops on Monday 5 December and Thursday 8 December.
Registration is not linked to conference attendance.
The workshops and conference will all take place in the Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel.
Rooms at the Bristol Marriott are available at a reduced conference rate and can be booked online
Accommodation at other hotels can be booked through Visit Bristol