Because good research needs good data

Registration & accommodation


Conference registration fees

  • DCC Associates: £275
  • DCC Non Associate: £325
  • Group Institutional Rate: £250

For more information about becoming a DCC Associate

There are a limited number of discounted student places available. Please email for further information.

*After 25 November 2011 there will be no discounted rates available - all registrations will be charged at £325* -

This date has now been extnded from the origibnal date of 15 Novemebr due to high demand.

Register now

Workshop  registration fees

There will a programme of workshops on Monday 5 December and Thursday 8 December.

Registration is not linked to conference attendance.

Register now


The workshops and conference will all take place in the Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel.

Rooms at the Bristol Marriott are available at a reduced conference rate and can be booked online

Accommodation at other hotels can be booked through Visit Bristol