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Video gallery
Welcome aboard SS Great Britain: Welcome Address by Professor Glynis Breakwell
Welcome and opening keynote by Ewan McIntosh: Public data opportunities
Organisational perspectives session:
David Lynn: Data Matters - A View from a research funder
Jeff Haywood: Taking care of the university's research data
Andrew Charlesworth: Data Transparency - Managing the legislative risk
Organisational Perspectives: Discussion Panel
Research perspectives session:
Mark Hahnel: Give researchers credit for all their research
Victoria Stodden: Reproducible research
Heather Piwowar: Data use attribution and impact tracking
Research Perspectives: Discussion Panel
DCC Symposium: Share your genome? Dealing with very personal data
Summing up day one: Clifford Lynch
Keynote by Philip E Bourne: Open data driving scholarly communications in 2020
Best peer reviewed paper by William Underwood: Grammar-based specification and parsing of binary file formats
Parallel Session A1: Data management and planning
Meik Poschen: Development of a Pilot Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at University of Manchester
Martin Donnelly: DMPonline and DMPTool: Different strategies towards a shared goal
Laura Molloy: The Data Management Skills Support Initiative: synthesising postgraduate training in research data management
David Gooenewegan - Building human and infrastructure capacity through a national approach: the ANDS experience
Parallel Session B1: Workflows
Sebastian Drude: Inter-disciplinary Curation and Use of Language Data - Experiences from the DOBES Programme
Richard Littauer: Trends in Use of Scientific Workflows: Insights from a Public Repository and Guidelines for Best Practices
Paolo Missier: Golden Trail: Retrieving the Data History that Matters from a Comprehensive Provenance Repository
Parallel Session A2: Policy and legal
Sarah Jones: Developments in research funder data policy
Neil Beagrie: The KRDS Benefit Analysis Toolkit: Development and Application
Ellen Collins: Freedom of Information in the UK and its Implications for Research in the Higher Education Sector
Kristine Kasianovitz: What Your Tweets Tell Us About You: Identity, Ownership and Privacy of Twitter Data
Parallel Session B2: Preservation
Irina Bolychevsky: CKAN: Enabling Collaboration around the Open Data Ecosytem
Marjan Grootveld: Peer-reviewed open research data: pilot results
Esther Conway: Managing risks in the preservation of research data with preservation networks
Parallel Session A3: Formats
Yunhyong Kim: Digital forensics formats: seeking a digital preservation storage format for web archiving
Chris Frisz: Assessing Migration Risks for Scientific Data Formats
Ross Spencer: Towards the development of a test corpus of digital objects for the evaluation of file format identification tools
Parallel Session B3: Environmental Data
Sarah Callaghan: Making Data a First Class Scientific Output: data citation and publication by NERC’s environmental data centr
Brian Matthews: Opening up Climate Research: a linked data approach to publishing data provenance
Constanze Curdt: Scientific Research Data Management for Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Data – The TR32DB
Ruth McNally: Understanding the 'Intensive' in 'Data Intensive Research': Data Flows in Next Generation Sequencing and Environme
Closing keynote by Natasa Milic-Frayling: Advancing research and technology to safeguard our digital future
Closing Remarks: Kevin Ashley