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Keynote by Dr Ewan Birney - ELIXIR: a bioinformatics infrastructure *uncut version*
Keynote by Dr Ewan Birney - ELIXIR: a bioinformatics infrastructure
Infrastructure session:
Hans Pfeiffenberger - From sensor to dissemination: Stewardship of data in the marine sciences
Anthony Beitz - Growing an Institution's Research Data Management Capability through Strategic Investments
Intelligence session:
Adam Farquhar - Digital collections: a new challenge for curation and new opportunities for data driven scholarship
Paul Miller - Intelligence, Insight, and the role of Scale; data stories from the business world
Innovation/Applications session:
Patricia Cruse - Building Services, Building Communities, Supporting Data Intensive Research
Kaitlin Thaney - Making research more efficient
DCC Symposium: What is a Data Scientist?
Keynote by Herbert Van de Sompel - The Web as infrastructure for scholarly research and communication
Parallel session A1: Institutional Research Data Management
Catherine Pink - Meeting the Data Management Compliance Challenge: Funder Expectations and Institutional Reality
Robin Rice - Implementing the Research Data Management Policy: University of Edinburgh Roadmap
Thomas Parsons - Creating a Research Data Management Service
Sally Rumsey - Challenges in building an institutional research data catalogue
James Wilson - Towards a Unified University Infrastructure: The Data Management Roll-out at the University of Oxford
Parallel session B1: National Perspectives in Research Data Management
David Groenewegen - Data Management Practice in Australia: the ANDS perspective
Martin Halbert - The Problematic Future of Research Data Management: Challenges, Opportunities, and Emerging Patterns Identified by the DataRes Project
Simon Hodson - Institutional research data management services: progress and challenges in the JISC Managing Research Data Programme
Graham Pryor - A Maturing Process of Engagement: raising data capabilities in UK higher education
Parallel session A2: Cloud Services
David S. H. Rosenthal - Distributed Digital Preservation in the Cloud
Parallel session B2: Education and Training
Karon Kelly - Model Development for Scientific Data Curation Education
Jake Carlson - Developing an Approach for Data Management Education: A Report from the Data Information Literacy Project
Mark Scott - Research Data Management Education for Future Curators
Madeleine de Smaele - Data-intelligence training for support staff
Parallel session A3: Formats and Identifiers
Paolo Bouquet - Can Persistent Identifiers Be Cool?
Ross Spencer - Generation of a Skeleton Corpus of Digital Objects for the Validation and Evaluation of Format Identification Tools and Signatures
Tim Austin - Prenormative Research into Standard Messaging Formats for Engineering Materials Data
Parallel session B3: Cross Disciplinary Data
Henk van den Heuvel - The CLARIN-NL Data Curation Service: Bringing Data to the Foreground
Carlos Silva - Here, KAPTUR this! Identifying and selecting the infrastructure required to support the curation and preservation of visual arts research data
Marieke Guy - Pinning It Down: towards a practical definition of 'Research Data' for Creative Arts Institutions