Because good research needs good data


Registration for the workshops has now closed, however, if you would like to attend please e-mail

Monday 24 February

All the workshops are free of charge although some do have a limit on the numbers of free places available

Workshop 1 - Full Day

Costing Curation: are we on the right track?

Organisers: Neil Grindley - Jisc & 4C Project & Katarina Haage - DNB & 4C Project
Supported by: 4C Project, a European Commission funded project

This workshop will be a great opportunity to learn, communicate and influence. The 4C Project takes the cost of digital curation as its starting point but is necessarily interested in related questions such as the value and sustainability of digital assets and ultimately how to design curation to be as effective and efficient as possible with scarce resources available to support it. The IDCC conference is a valuable opportunity for the 4C Project and the community to examine how feasible it is to determine the cost of curating research data and to showcase and refine related work.

Final programme


Workshop 2 - Full Day

Research Data Publication in Principle and Practice - FULLY BOOKED

  • Introduction - Rebecca Lawrence [Download PDF]
  • Overview of the data publication landscape - Jonathan Tedds [Download PDF]
  • Is data publication the right metaphor? - Mark Parsons [Download PDF]
  • NPG Scientific Data Journal and chemistry data publication - Ruth Wilson [Download PDF]
  • Ubiquity Press Open Access publishing model - Brian Hole [Download PDF]
  • F1000R Post publication peer review model - Rebecca Lawrence [Download PDF]


Organisers: Angus Whyte - Digital Curation Centre, Jonathan Tedds - University of Leicester, Carly Strasser - California Digital Library, Rebecca Lawrence- F1000Research
Supported by: Scientific Data and F1000 Research

A wide range of new data publishing initiatives will be introduced including peer review, repository accreditation and cross linking for data publishing, data journals and partnerships. Breakouts will focus on new joint RDA-WDS Publishing Data Working Groups on workflows & cost models, bibliometrics and publishing services along with data peer review. The workshop will interest anyone involved in: publishing and reviewing datasets, trustworthy digital repository accreditation, data standardisation or policy development, including researchers, digital repository managers, staff from library, information and research organisations, data curators, data centre managers, data scientists, publishers, research funders, learned societies, professional organisations and research networks.

Additional information/draft programme


Workshop 3 - Half Day (am)

Data Management Planning: get up to date with DMPTool and DMPonline
£45 (Approx $70)

  • Introduction - Sarah Shreeves & Sarah Jones [Download PDF]
  • Overview of changes to DMPTool, including demo - Sherry Lake [Download PDF]
  • Overview of changes to DMPonline, including demo - Patrick McCann & Marta Ribeiro [Download PDF]


Organisers: Sarah Shreeves, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign & Sarah Jones, DCC, University of Glasgow
Supported by: The Alfred P Sloan Foundation and Jisc

The growth of data management planning as a core infrastructural component affects all types of stakeholder in the modern research environment. This workshop showcases the development work done on DMPTool (USA) and DMPonline (UK) over the last year. With demonstrations of the new functionalities of both systems, together with ‘birds-of-a-feather’ breakout groups and opportunities to talk directly to the people behind the tools either formally and informally, this workshop will interest anyone involved in research data management, including active researchers, research support professionals, library professionals and fellow travellers.

Final programme


Workshop 4  - Half-Day (pm)

Community Capability Profiling - introducing a new tool to facilitate Data Intensive Research


Organisers: Liz Lyon & Manjula Patel, UKOLN Informatics - University of Bath & Kenji, Microsoft Research Connections & the Research Data Alliance
Supported by: Microsoft Research Connections [Download PDF]

UKOLN Informatics and Microsoft Research Connections have developed a profiling tool based on the Community Capability Model Framework (CCMF) for Data-Intensive Research. The aim of this workshop is to present the tool and demonstrate its application across a range of disciplines and contexts. Participants will gain an understanding of the CCMF as well as undertake an assessment of their own community using the tool. There will also be opportunities for discussion and networking. The objective is to use the framework to model behaviours associated with the adoption, usage, development and exploitation of human and technical infrastructure for data-intensive research.

Final programme


Thursday 27 February

All the workshops are free of charge although some do have a limit on the numbers of free places available

Workshop 5 - Full Day

DataOne Implementation Workshop - FULLY BOOKED


Organisers: Bruce E.Wilson - University of Tennessee, David Vieglais - University of Kansas, Amber Budden - University of New Mexico & Chris Jones - University of California, Santa Barbara

Supported by: DataONE supported by U.S National Science Foundation

This workshop will help organizations interested in improving sharing and preservation of data about life on Earth and the environment that sustains it. Participants will learn about the Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) approach and cyberinfrastructure, how organizations become Member Nodes working with DataONE, and how to establish a Member Node using available software systems.

Final programme


Workshop 6 - Full Day

Data Management in the Cloud

Organisers: Kristin Tolle & Alex Wade - Microsoft Research
Supported by: Microsoft Research

In this hands-on workshop you will learn why and how cloud computing is being used for repositories, digital preservation and research analysis tools. You will be walked through setting up your own repository via DataUp. You will get an overview of the available services and capabilities of the Windows Azure cloud platform for data management, as well as on overview of data resources and analytics tools for Excel in the cloud (Office 365). Following this workshop you should feel confident in being able to use the cloud to help with your data management work.

  • Data Repositories: CKAN & the Azure DataMarket [Download PDF]
  • SCAPE Document Conversion Service - sustaining the value of digital through format transformation cloud services [Download PDF]
  • Putting your user's data in the could with DataUp [Download PDF]
  • Digital scholarship and the cloud [Download PDF]

Final programme


Workshop 7 - Half Day (am)

Data Citation Principles: A Synthesis

Organisers: Data Citation Synthesis Group Hosted by Force 11
Supported by: Data Citation Synthesis Workgroup

Sound, reproducible scholarship rests on robust, accessible data. Data are legitimate, citable products of research. Data citation, like citation of other evidence, is good research practice. In support of this assertion, and to encourage good practice, the Data Citation Synthesis Group, sponsored by Force 11, offers a set of guiding principles for data citation.  

Join us for a half-day workshop:

  • Introduction to the Principles [Download PDF]
  • Panel of practitioners sharing how they are implementing these principles - Download Programme
  • Community discussion about data citation: challenges and opportunities offered by coming together around a common set of principles


  • The role of data citation in scholarly communication, Christine Borgman [Download PDF]
  • DataCite - Support for data citation in DataCite, Joan Starr [Download PDF]
  • Data citation in Elsevier journals, Anita de Waard [Download PDF]
  • Data Citation: ESIP, AGU and National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Ruth Duerr [Download PDF]
  • Data citation at the Solar Data Analysis Center, Joe Hourcle [Download PDF]
  • Data citation practices in the UK's NERC Environmental Data Centres, Sarah Callaghan [Download PDF]
  • Creative Commons: licensing and data mining, Puneet Kishor [Download PDF]


Workshop 8 - Half Day (pm)

Trans/Hack: Opening and Preserving Transportation Data Hackathon [Download PDF]


Organisers: Leighton Christiansen - Iowa Department of Transport Library & Kendra Levine - Institute of Transportation Studies Library, UC Berkeley
Supported By: National Transportation Library

Transportation is a vital, dynamic, and frequently researched aspect of modern human life. Our various transportation systems produce terabytes of data each day. In 2013, the White House issued new rules requiring federally funded transportation research open data sets and publications to the public. While many disciplines have had open data and data management plans for years, this is new to many transportation agencies and researchers. This hackathon will introduce participants to the wide variety, potential size, and possible problems of transportation datasets. Participants will then help come up with solutions and practices for transportation data.

Final programme


Registration for the workshops has now closed, however, if you are interested in attending please e-mail