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Submissions can take a number of forms and will be considered for either the main conference (9-10 February) or the "workshop" days (11-12 February). ConfTool is now open for submissions
On entering the ConfTool system you will be invited to choose the type of participation (e.g. research paper, BoF) and the relevant session theme/themes from the list of topics (except for data papers, which will be presented in one block so do not need to select a session theme).
You can participate in a number of ways
- Research Papers should present original and novel conclusions derived from significant supporting evidence. The evidence may be experimental, observational or textual in nature, but the method used to derive the conclusions must be clear. Research papers should be submitted as full papers for peer review and for inclusion in the IJDC as reviewed papers. Papers should be no longer than 10 pages (excluding references & appendices).
- Practice Papers may identify challenges, propose a solution or approach tackling the same, or describe an activity or research project currently in progress or recently completed. Of particular interest are lessons learned from digital curation activities, and recommendations for best practice. Practice Track papers should be submitted as extended abstracts for peer review. These should be no more than 1000 words. On acceptance, we will request a final paper of no more than 10 pages.(excluding references & appendices). A subset will be published in the IJDC as general articles.
- Data Papers - Data is central to what we do at DCC so we are introducing a new type of submission to give you credit for the data you've created and shared. We invite you to give a short lightning talk on your data, describing your datasets, how they were collected and the potential for reuse. The data should have been prepared for sharing and deposited in a recognised repository. Lightning talks are short presentations capped at 5 minutes each, so you'll need to be concise and grab the audience's attention by explaining what's so special about your data. Data papers should be submitted as one-page abstracts. As data papers are very short papers about your data, they do not need to fit in with the conference themes.
- Birds of a Feather will be 60 minute sessions that bring together individuals interested in a given topic relevant to the conference and suitable for discussion and networking. They will provide an open forum for exploring issues and questions. Speakers will be given a maximum of 20 minutes to present the topic and the remaining time will be for audience discussion. BoF proposals should be submitted as a one-page abstract.
- Posters enable individuals or groups to display information about innovative projects or activities in an informative, interactive environment. Posters will be displayed in the Foyer area outside the auditorium and there will be a dedicated poster slot to ensure all delegates have time to see the posters which interest them. Poster proposals should be submitted as one-page abstracts. A poster PDF will need to be submitted prior to the conference.
The ideal poster should be designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of your work and initiate discussion. Posters need to be as simple and as clear as possible with an emphasis on graphics rather than text. Posters should adhere to the following guidelines:
- A1 portrait or landscape 33.11" x 23.39" or approximately 594mm x 841mm
- Your poster should be one piece and not made up of separate sections.
- Finish: Laminate
- Your poster should include title, author(s) names, affiliations, institutional logos, where appropriate, and email addresses
There will be a prize for the best poster
- Demonstrations of new software tools and resources will be considered for inclusion in a showcase session. Demos proposals should be submitted as a one-page abstract. This will need to include details of any technical requirements.
- Workshop proposals can be for a half-day or a full day and should fit with the conference themes. Workshops can either be fully funded by the proposers in which case they will be free to delegates, or workshops can be fee based but the minimum cost will need to be underwritten by the proposers. Workshop proposals should include a title and overview of the workshop, plus any additional information e.g. draft programme, speakers, technical requirements, audience and maximum numbers.
All submissions to ConfTool must use the template provided.
- Download the Microsoft Word template
- Download the Open Document (ODT) template for LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, etc.
- Download the LaTeX template from CTAN or install the 'dccpaper' package in TeX Live or MiKTeX. If using this template, please submit as a zip file containing both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF.