Because good research needs good data


Our conference is supplemented by a rich programme of workshops. These events must be booked separately from the conference. You do not have to attend the conference in order to register for the workshops.

Registration is now closed

Workshop Programme
All the workshops will take place at NH Collection Barcelona Tower. 
Monday 19 February 2018
Thursday 22 February 2018

Monday 19 February

Workshop Registration 08:15-09:00

Workshop 1 (Half Day am)

Curating for Reproducibility: Producing High Quality Data and Code for Transparent and Reproducible Research (Half Day, am)

9:30-12:30, NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Floor -1, Sears & Pisa 

Delegate fee £65.  

Organisers: Florio Arguillas - Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research, Cornell University, Thu-Mai Christian - Odum Institute, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Limor Peer - Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University

This half-day workshop will teach participants practical strategies for curating research materials for reproducibility. The workshop will be based on the data quality review, a framework for helping ensure that research data are well documented and usable and that code executes properly and reproduces analytic results.


Workshop 2 (Half Day am)

EOSC as a ‘skills commons’ for developing research data stewardship skills at scale

9:30-12:30, NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Floor -1, Jim Mao, Petronas & Liberty

Free of charge

Organisers: Angus Whyte - (DCC)  Ellen Verbakel (TU Delft), and Ellen Leenarts (DANS)

The workshop invites trainers and others concerned with skills development to shape the role of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in helping people acquire data stewardship skills, and be recognized for them.  Research institutions, domain-specific infrastructures and e-infrastructures all need to nurture skills to ensure research outputs are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).  

The workshop promotes dialogue between those with a cross-disciplinary skills remit and those with a more domain-specific focus.  It will focus on issues around providing a ‘skills commons’ by offering FAIR training materials that fulfil needs for domain-focused examples, suitable for the variety of organisations and roles concerned.  To stimulate discussion, we will describe stewardship competences and training approaches identified by the EOSCpilot project, and share institution-level examples. 

  • Workshop agenda and information (download doc)
  • Introduction - Angus Whyte, DCC (download pptx)
  • EOSCpilot Skills Framework - Angus Whyte, DCC (download pptx part 1 and part 2)
  • Data Stewardship at 4TU - Ellen Verbakel,TU Delft (download pptx)
  • FAIR Training - What could it encompass, how could EOSC support it? - Ellen Leenarts, DANS (download pptx)
  • Results from interactive polling (download pdf)

Workshop 3 (Half Day pm)

How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud

13:30 - 16:30, NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Floor -1, Jim Mao, Petronas & Liberty

Free of charge

Organisers: Valentino Cavalli - LIBER, Torsten Reimer - British Library, Marta Teperek - Technical University Delft, Karen Vandevelde - University of Gent 

This worshop is organised on behalf of the EOSCPilot project to discuss the role of research libraries, academic institutions and other research-performing organisations, as intermediaries between researchers and EOSC service providers and in fostering the uptake of the European Open Science Cloud.

The workshop format will be very interactive. An initial presentation session will set the scene and will introduce and clarify the elements of the EOSC to the participating stakeholders. A breakout session will allow the participants to discuss issues and benefits of the EOSC and provide feedback about its future developments.

Draft agenda and workshop information


Role of libraries and institutions as EOSC intermediaries in publishing, dissemination and long-­term preservation of research data

Incentives and rewards to support open science. 

How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud

Thursday 22 February

Workshop Registration 08:15-09:00

Workshop 4 (Full Day)

Train the Trainer Workshop: How do I create a course in research data management?

09:00 - 16:00 hrs, NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Floor -1, Sears & Pisa 

Delegate Fee £90

Organisers: Eliane Blumer - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL and Professor René Schneider - Geneva School of Business Administration, HEG.

During this workshop you will learn how to structure course content and how to plan the didactic activities of any kind of training courses in the field of research data management with respect to the needs of your target audience.  A number of practical exercises will guide you through this day so that in the end, you will leave the course with a concrete concept.

Draft agenda and workshop information

Workshop materials 

Workshop 5 (Full Day)

Supporting FAIR Data Principles with Fedora

09:00-16:00 hrs, NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Floor -1, Liberty

Delegate Fee £90

Organiser: David Wilcox, DuraSpace

Fedora is a flexible, extensible, open source repository platform for curating digital content. Fedora is used in a wide variety of institutions including libraries, museums, archives, and government organizations. Fedora supports FAIR data principles by providing services that help make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable. Participants will get an introduction to Fedora and learn how to create and manage content in Fedora in accordance with linked data best practices and the Portland Common Data Model. Attendees will also learn how to import resources into Fedora and export resources from Fedora to external systems and services as part of a digital curation workflow. 

Draft agenda and workshop information

Workshop 6 (Half Day, am)

A Research Data Shared Service in a localised, international context—what could/should it mean for you?

9:00-12:20 AM, NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Atria 3

Free of charge

Organisers: Paul Stokes, Dr Tamsin Burland - JISC 

Jisc have been piloting a Research Data Shared Service (RDSS) for use by the UK HE and Research communities which is due to launch as a production service in summer  2018.  At that time we will be in a position to deliver the service to other markets, including the international community, and to support other use cases that require repository, preservation and reporting systems.  As well as individual institutional services, multi-tenanted / consortium products are already under development and we have choices to make regarding the features to be incorporated in the minimum viable product (MVP) that will become the first release of these consortium products.

This half day workshop is intended to introduce RDSS to the international community, flesh out use cases and to identify the must have features for communities other than the UK HE/Research community. Obviously, there will be overlap, but it is almost inevitable that priorities will be different and some features will be totally new. 
This is your chance to influence the development roadmap for RDSS making sure it becomes the product you want to use.

Agenda and workshop information