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Policy tools and guidance
This page lists tools that you can use to create RDM policies. It also gives examples of policies from overseas institutions.
Guidance and tools for creating policies
RECODE Policy Recommendations for open access to research data summary booklet - This booklet provides a series of overarching and targeted recommendations to help a range of stakeholders progress towards open access to research data.
DataShare Policy-making for research data in repositories: a guide - A decision-making and planning tool for institutions with digital repositories in existence or in development that are considering adding research data to their digital collections.
Starting the Conversation: University-wide Research Data Management Policy - Article outlining key issues to consider when developing University-wide RDM policies.
DCC research data policy briefing - Short guide to assist universities to create institutional RDM policies. Outlines funder requirements and approaches taken by unis.
DCC preservation policy template - A template preservation policy for repositories, drawing on the AHDS and UKDA policies, OpenDOAR tool and DataShare policymaking in repositories guide. The template also includes example text, guidance and points for consideration.
Institutional policy and guidance for research data - A report and slides from a workshop run by the EIDCSR project at the University of Oxford.
JISC preservation policy advice - A concise guide from JISC digital media on how to establish a digital preservation policy.
OpenDOAR policy tool - A tool to help administrators formulate and/or present their repository's policies.
Repositories Support Project policy pages - General guidance on policy and legal issues related to repositories.
Repository policy briefing paper - An RSP briefing paper that identifies the benefits of a comprehensive policy framework and explores the different types of policy that a repository should develop.
SHERPA/FACT - A tool to help researchers check if the journals in which they wish to publish their results comply with their funder's requirements for open access to research.
Example data management and preservation policies
See also funders data policies and institutional data policies.
CODATA list of scientific data policy statements - This listing provides details of statements on access to data provided by various international organisations (many of which are related to the environmental sciences).
Humboldt University Research Data Management Policy and Guidelines (2014) [English translation]
An RDM policy from Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. The policy and guidelines have benefited greatly from similar policies in UKs HEIs and the expertise of the DCC.
John Hopkins University Policy on Access and Retention of Research Data and Materials (2008)
A policy covering ownership, retention, access to and maintenance of research data.
JULIET - Registry of research funders' open access policies for publications and data.
Monash University Research Data Management Policy (2010)
A University policy outlining how data should be stored and retained and what different stakholders are responsible for.
NERC Position Statement and Guidelines on the Preservation of Model Code
Policy and guidelines on how to preserve model code to support the openness, transparency and integrity of the NERC funded research
RCUK Policy and Code of Conduct on the Governance of Good Research Conduct, (2009)
The Code aims to provide clear guidelines to help researchers and research organisations achieve the highest standards possible when carrying out research. It notes that data should normally be preserved and accessible for ten years, but for projects of clinical or major social, environmental or heritage importance, for 20 years or longer.
UK Data Archive preservation policy, (2012)
A detailed data centre policy noting how the UKDA undertakes preservation in accordance with the OAIS framework.
University of Melbourne policy on the management of research data and records
A policy defining repsonsibilities and explaining how research data should be stored, accessed and destroyed as appropriate.
University of Tennessee Research Data Policy (2009)
A policy outlining responsibilities for research data, ownership, retention and processes for data transfer if staff/grants move from the institution.
US Geological Survey Electronic Records and Preservation Policy (2011)
A policy establishing guidelines under which USGS electronic records are effectively managed through their lifecycle.
US Geological Survey Acceptance of Data Collections (2010)
A policy outlining processes for selecting data and determining the periods of preservation applied.
Policy-related publications
Beagrie, Neil et al, Digital preservation policies study, (2008)
This study responds to the lack of institutional level curation policies across the HE sector by providing a framework for those planning to create such policies, together with a series of mappings to core university business drivers so preservation policies can be embedded in wider aims.
Gibbs, Harry et al, DataShare: State-of-the-Art Review (2007)
A data sharing review that considers funder requirements, barrier and benefits to sharing, and current practices.
International Federation of Data Organizations (IFDO) (2014) Policies for Sharing Research Data in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Comparison of national policies across 32 countries based on web survey among IASSIST members.
Jones, Sarah, A report on the range of policies required for and related to digital curation, (2009)
A detailed report on the curation policy and data management plan requirements of main UK research funders on which this web page is based. The report also maps requirements against existing institutional provision to identify gaps.
Lyon, Liz, Dealing with Data: Roles, Rights, Responsibilities and Relationships (2007)
This strategic report investigates how data is currently being curated across the UK. Policies related to data curation are referenced throughout and a section of the synthesis and discussion focuses specifically on policy and planning.
RIN, Research funders' policies for the management of information outputs (2007)
This study investigates the policy and practice of UK research funders in managing their research outputs. It compares policies across the Research Councils and other funding bodies by the type of output, such as journal articles, books and data.
RIN, Stewardship of digital research data: a framework of principles and guidelines (2008)
The RIN framework synthesises the RCUK statement on access to research and OECD principles to avoid inconsistencies and duplication. Five core principles for effective stewardship are asserted.
Ruusalepp, Raivo, A comparative study of international approaches to the sharing of research data (2008)
A DCC and JISC report that compares policies, strategies, infrastructure and services for sharing research data across OECD member countries.
Data management guidance
AHDS guides - Information papers, case studies and best practice for digital resources in the arts and humanities
Australian National University data management advice - This external site provides details of training provided by ANU based on the very comprehensive data management manual.
CDL data management guidance - Short and to-the-point guidance for researchers from the California Digital Library.
ICPSR Guidelines for effective data management plans - Suggestions of what elements to include in data mangement plans and useful list of example plans and guidance resources
MIT data management advice - A collection of guidance and resources put together by MIT Libraries in the USA
UKDA managing and sharing data guide - A concise, practical guide for researchers that explains how to create, store, manage and share data.