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VRA Core

Date added 17 December 2009
Last edited 17 December 2009

Full Title

Visual Resources Association Core


VRA Core 4.0 is a hierarchical metadata element set which provides a structure for the description of works of visual culture and the digital or photographic images used to document them. The standard has been endorsed by the METS Editorial Board as an extension schema for any METS objects containing images of cultural heritage resources.

Standards Developing Organisation



No available information

Lifecycle Actions

Access, Use and Reuse
Create or Receive
Description and Representation Information

Standard Framework

Digital Archive Standards

Standard Types

Metadata Content Standards
Metadata Description Standard

Current Version

4 September 2007 - VRA Core 4.0 [external]
Introductory text, element outlines, tagging examples and schema to download.

Further Information

Alternative Current Versions


Previous Versions

Referenced Standards

AAT: Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus
CCO: Cataloguing Cultural Objects Guidelines
Dublin Core
LCSH: Library of Congress Subject
LCTGM: Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials
TGM: Thesaurus for Graphic
TGN: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
ULAN: Getty Union List of Artist Names