Because good research needs good data

List of Metadata Profiles and Extensions


    An extension of the ABCD standard for DNA data.

  • ABCDEFG - Access to Biological Collection Databases Extended for Geosciences

    An extension of the ABCD standard for Geosciences data.

  • AGLS Metadata Profile

    An application of Dublin Core designed to improve visibility and availability of online resources, originally adapted from the Australian Government Locator Service metadata standard for use in government agencies.

  • AGRIS Application Profile

    A metadata standard drawing on Dublin Core and AgMES created specifically to enhance the description, exchange and subsequent retrieval of agricultural Document-Like Information Objects.

  • ANZLIC Metadata Profile

    A profile of ISO 19115, also mapping to the AGLS profile of Dublin Core, designed to facilitate efficient access to descriptions of information resources, particularly geographic or spatial data.

  • Apple Core

    Darwin Core documentation and recommendations for herbaria.

  • Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)

    Used to describe semantic assets, defined as highly reusable metadata (for example: XML schemata, generic data models) and reference data (for example: code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries, vocabularies) that are used for eGovernment system development.

  • CARARE metadata schema

    An application profile of the MIDAS Heritage standard intended for delivering metadata to the CARARE service environment about an organisation’s online collections, monument inventory database and digital objects.

  • CESSDA MLI - Council of European Social Science Data Archives Minimum Level of Information

    A common base profile of DDI for use by the member archives of CESSDA.

  • COARDS Conventions

    Developed by the Cooperative Ocean-Atmosphere Research Data Service (COARDS), these conventions constitute a standard set of metadata to include in netCDF files, allowing them to be shared and interchanged.

    The COARDS Conventions are generalised and extended by the CF (Climate and Forecast) Metadata Conventions.
