Because good research needs good data

List of Metadata Use Cases

  • 3TU.Datacentrum

    A multidisciplinary data repository for a consortium of universities in the Netherlands, using a metadata structure based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.

  • AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

    A global public domain database using the AgMES standard to describe structured bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology.

  • American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

    A CIF crystal structure database that includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, as well as selected datasets from other journals.

  • Atlas of Living Australia

    An aggregation of information on all the known species in Australia, collected from museums, herbaria, community groups, government departments, individuals and universities. All data is converted to Darwin Core.

  • Aus-VO - Australian Virtual Observatory

    An initiative to provide a distributed, uniform interface to the data archives of Australia's major astronomical observatories, and to archives of astrophysical simulations, as part of the international Virtual Observatory.

  • Australian Ocean Data Network Portal

    This portal is the primary access point for search, discovery, access and download of data collected by the Australian marine community. Uses the Marine Community Profile extension of ISO 19115

  • BADC - British Atmospheric Data Centre

    The Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Designated Data Centre for the Atmospheric Sciences. It uses the CF-Compliant NetCDF format for its datasets.

  • BAV - Biblioteca Apoltolica Vaticana

    The Vatican Library uses FITS as the digital image format for the digitization of its manuscript collection.

  • BGS NGDC - British Geological Survey National Geoscience Data Centre

    The world's oldest national geological survey and the United Kingdom's premier centre for earth science information and expertise, with information access via an ISO 19115-compliant discovery metadata database.

  • BioCASE - Biological Collection Access Service for Europe

    The BioCASE Biological Unit Network provides access to a transnational network of biological collections; its protocol requires providers to use the ABCD schema in their configuration files.
