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Information for Research Data Managers and Support Staff
The DCC can help your research group or department get more impact from its research assets by developing your knowledge and skills. We help you find courses and offer several levels of training, which will help you connect with others involved locally. You can also learn from others’ views and experiences through our Research Data Management Forum events (RDMF), connect online through our blog and news pages, or the JISC Research Data Management list, and pick up expertise through the DCC Associates list. For in-depth treatment of new developments we offer the International Journal of Digital Curation and the International Digital Curation Conference.
We can help you keep track of the data policy requirements your researchers may ask about. Our Data Management Planning checklist and online toolkit can take you through the DMP required for a research proposal. We also help you implement a plan for managing the data assets accumulated from existing projects through the Data Asset Framework. You can also benefit from introductory level briefings, or the more practical introductions in our how-to guides. Detailed tools and methods, e.g. for assessing your datasets and managing data risks are available, and the DCC Curation Reference Manual offers more in-depth coverage of specific data types and topics including how to manage data risks.
We offer an overview of how curation roles fit together; for example longer-term preservation may be the remit of your institution’s repository or a subject-based data centre but local data management is a vital for central repositories to work economically. The curation lifecycle offers a high-level overview, while how-to guides describe concrete activities such as data appraisal & selection. These include tackling data documentation and metadata early in the research process, we also provide briefings on metadata standards and Curation Reference Manual chapters on metadata and related topics.
Maximising impact from research nowadays is partly about sharing all research assets more openly. Balancing that against IPR and other concerns requires guidance on how to licence data, and we profile data sharing experiences in various fields in the open science case studies. We also provide briefings on Freedom of Information (FOI) and other legal aspects of curation.
More Information
- Data management courses and training
- Research Data Management Forum (RDMF)
- DCC's news and blogs
- JISC Research Data Management list
- International Journal of Digital Curation (IJDC)
- International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC)
- DCC's policy and legal resources
- Data Management Planning checklist and online toolkit
- Data Asset Framework (DAF)
- DCC's briefing papers (introductory guides)
- DCC's how-to guides (practical guidance for undertaking key activities)
- Managing data risks (DRAMBORA)
- Roles in digital curation
- Curation lifecycle model
- Curation Reference Manual
- Briefing paper: Appraise & Select Research Data for Curation
- Briefing paper: Using Metadata Standards
- Open science case studies