Because good research needs good data

Book: Managing Research Data

Magdalena Getler | 23 January 2012

Managing Research Data

Graham Pryor, editor

Data management is an active process by which digital resources remain discoverable, accessible and intelligible over the longer term, a process that invests data and datasets with the potential to accrue value as assets enjoying far wider use than their creators may have anticipated. In the world of research, such a value-adding process is a significant contributor to the much desired achievement of impact.

Published on 23 January 2012, Managing Research Data aims to introduce the broader research community to such core issues of data management as the terms of compliance with funder expectations, the context and recommended approaches to individual and institutional data management planning, the roles and responsibilities of key players in the research data lifecycle, as well as detailed reports of initiatives, strategies and organizations being deployed nationally and on a global scale.

Read the review by Sally Rumsey, Digital Collections Development Manager at the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, published in Ariadne Issue 69.

Each chapter of the book covers a critical element of data management:

  • Why manage research data? Graham Pryor
  • The lifecycle of data management - Sarah Higgins
  • Research data policies: principles, requirements and trends - Sarah Jones
  • Sustainable research data - Brian F. Lavoie
  • Data management plans and planning - Martin Donnelly
  • Roles and responsibilities - libraries, librarians and data - Sheila Corrall
  • Research data management: opportunities and challenges for HEIs - Rob Procter, Peter Halfpenny and Alex Voss
  • The national data centres - Ellen Collins
  • Contrasting national research data strategies: Australia and the USA - Andrew Treloar, William Michener and G Sayeed Choudhury
  • Emerging infrastructure and services for research data management and curation in the UK and Europe - Angus Whyte 

With an international authorship including experts from the UK’s Digital Curation Centre, Managing Research Data is published by Facet Publishing, ISBN 978-1-85604-756-2, price £49.95.