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DCC, DPC and ULCC launch training needs survey
The Digital Curation Centre (DCC), Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and University of London Computer Centre (ULCC) are collaborating on a new survey to gain an updated view on digital archiving and preservation training needs across professional sectors and countries. Colleagues and/or friends who have an interest in digital archiving and preservation are invited to complete the survey available here until Friday 2 October 2015.
DCC, DPC and ULCC have a long history of working collaboratively with the aim of promoting best practice and providing training and advice for an ever growing international workforce, faced with the issues of long-term preservation and sustainability of born digital content.
“This survey intends to build a snapshot of training needs in the field of digital preservation, with the intention of building better training provision that will attempt to meet those needs, both now and in the future,” said Ed Pinsent, Digital Archivist at ULCC and co-founder of the award-winning Digital Preservation Training Programme. “The survey also aims to identify preferences for format, timing, and delivery of such training in order to fit with personal and professional lives.”
“The DPC has recently embarked on a review of its workforce development programme to better understand its members' needs as well as the wider context of digital preservation training and professional development,” added Sharon McMeekin, Head of Training and Skills at DPC. “Survey results will be incorporated into this review and will influence the future enhancement of the DPC’s training outputs, scholarship programme, support for members’ professional development and proposed course accreditation scheme.”
“In order to provide current and appropriate support, it is critical for the DCC to understand current and emerging training requirements and skills levels across the digital curation and preservation communities in higher education and research institutions. The survey will make a useful contribution to our understanding, and allow us to review our training offerings in the light of its findings,” concluded the DCC's Laura Molloy.