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DMPonline API - get involved!
We've submitted an entry under Jisc's research #dataspring to develop an API for DMPonline and are looking for partners.
This API will enable the community-driven development of stable and robust extensions to DMPonline through which institutions, researchers, funders and other stakeholders can leverage their investment in data management planning.
Several potential use cases have been put forward. These largely fall into three broad categories:
- Mining plans to understand/report patterns of data management
- Integrating with other research data systems to facilitate institutional processes
- Promoting interoperability through community standards for data management plans
We’d like your input to flesh out, prioritise and implement both the use cases and the preferred style of API. Ideally the funding would support developer effort within institutional partners.
For more information see the DMPonline API entry on the Research Data Spring.
We're also setting up a user group to help us agree priorities and direct future work on DMPonline. If you'd like to get involved please drop us a line.