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The role of Microfilm in Digital Preservation
John Baker, IDMi (Information & Document Management international), Heather Brown, Walter Cybulski, New York State Newspaper Project / U.S. Newspaper Program, Andy Fenton, New Zealand Micrographic Services (NZMS), John Glover, Alpha Data Imaging, Paul Negus, The Microfilm Shop, Jonas Palm, National Archives of Sweden
Published: April 2011
Drawing on a risk management perspective, this instalment introduces the complementary role that microfilm, and particularly computer output microfilm (COM), can play within the broad spectrum of digital preservation. It provides some international examples of current and best practice and highlights some technical issues relating to standards.
Download The Role of Microfilm in Digital Preservation chapter (pdf)
Key Points
- Archival storage
- Preservation planning
- Costs, benefits
- Skills and training
- Standards