Because good research needs good data

Example DMPs and guidance

Lots of guidance and examples are available to help with data plans.

A summary of example plans organised by research funders is provided below. Some evaluation cribsheets, overseas examples and general guidelines are also referenced.

Practical guidance on writing DMPs is available in the DCC guide: How to develop a data management and sharing plan

If you have example DMPs to add to this list, please fill in the form.


Religious studies technical plan 
A technical plan submitted from the University of Bristol, also including comments from the reviewers

Language studies technical plan
A technical plan from the University of Glasgow about developing the Scots syntactic atlas

Virtual holocaust memory technical plan
An example plan from the University of Leeds with some reviewer feedback

Mapping metaphor technical plan
A language example from the University of Glasgow

Trevor Jones technical appendix (2012)
A plan from a large project digitising an archive of film music that was highly rated by peer reviewers. The plan has been shared by the University of Leeds.

Mackintosh architecture technical appendix (2009)
Technical appendix and addendum from the University of Glasgow

Example poor DMP with pointers
Fictional AHRC technical plan with suggestions for improvements, developed by Brian Aitken for a DCC workshop

Reflections from an AHRC reviewer
Pointers suggested by Brian Aitken, a technical reviewer for the AHRC. These were drafted for a workshop on reviewing DMPs.

Draft evaluation rubric for assessing AHRC technical plans
Assessment framework developed by Sarah Jones at the DCC


Plan for a BBSRC Tools and Resources Development Fund (TRDF) Grant
DMP published in the RIOjournal by Dr Laurent Gatto at the University of Cambridge

Sample BBSRC data sharing statement (2014)
Example shared by Dr Christos Ioannou in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol. See p8 in the guide.

Drosophila Genetics
Example plan shared by the University of Glasgow

Evaluation rubric for assessing BBSRC data sharing plans
Assessment framework developed by Mary Donaldson at the University of Glasgow


Water supply and remediation project
Example covering interview data and ethical approval


Z-proso DMP
A longitudinal study exploring the life-course of 1,400 youths and the pathways that lead to violence and delinquency. Plan shared by Dr Aja Murray at Cambridge University.

Two social science DMPs
Example plans shared by the University of Leeds as part of the Leeds RoaDMaP training materials

Data management plan for Realist Evaluation of Adapted Sex Offender Treatment Programs for Men with Intellectual Disability
This plan looks at managing quantitative and qualitative data, including audio interviews. The plan discusses ethical issues around a very sensitive dataset, including using consent and anonymisation to generate data which can be shared and reused. It was shared by the University of Leeds.

Data management planning for ESRC researcher
Guidelines from the UK Data Service to help applicants respond to the specific ESRC requirements

Data Management Plan: Guidance for Peer-Reviewers
An explanation of what the ESRC is looking for in data management plans

Horizon 2020

AtlantOS Data Management Plan
A 2016 DMP covering the concept of FAIR data for an Altalntic Ocean observation systems project

Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (2016)
DMP provided by the German Climate Centre (DKRZ) 

FREME Data Management Plan
Plan developed by the Open framework of e-services for multilingual and semantic enrichment of digital content project

Helix Nebula open science cloud
A High Energy Physics example covering the Large Hadron Collider experiments

Open Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Costs
First version of a DMP by the opera project

An engineering based micro-electronics example

An example DMP from an industry-driven innovation action that will deliver ICT-based solutions to enhance established post-production workflows.

Evaluation rubric for assessing H2020 plans
Assessment framework developed according to the original H2020 template

Wellcome Trust

Writing a Wellcome Trust DMP
A guide by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) explaining how to write a DMP, illustrated by a worked example

Wellcome Trust Developing a data management and sharing plan
An excellent FAQ from the Wellcome Trust outlining what its data plans should contain, and providing notes on how to answer the questions.

Other examples and guidance

Data management plans from successful grant applications (2011-2014)
108 DMPs from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Digital Humanities

UCSD Example Data Management Plans
Over 20 example plans submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States by academics at UC San Diego

Colorado School of Mines examples
A variety of US example DMPs from Mines and elsewhere

NSF data management plans
5 DMPs submitted to the NSF, shared by the DataOne initiative

Biology and chemistry DMPs
Three example DMPs from the USA shared by NECDMC, an instructional tool for teaching RDM to undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in the health sciences, sciences and engineering.

ICPSR Guidelines for effective data management plans
Suggestions of what elements to include in data mangement plans and a useful list of example plans and guidance resources

Developing an Institutional Research Data Management Plan Service
EDUCAUSE ACTI Data Management Working Group (ACTI-DM) white paper

Humboldt University Anleitung zur Erstellung eines Datenmanagementplans (DMP) in Horizon 2020
Instructions [in German] for creating a DMP in Horizon 2020 using DMPonline. The guide walks through the process of creating a DMP with the tool and notes the specific requirements in the Horizon 2020 open data pilot.