Because good research needs good data


The Collaborative Assessment of Research Data Infrastructure and Objectives (CARDIO) is a benchmarking tool that enables you to:

  • collaboratively assess data management requirements, activity, and capacity at your institution
  • build consensus between data creators, information managers and service providers
  • identify practical goals for improvement in data management provision and support
  • make a compelling case to senior managers for investment in data management support

Getting started 

A quick to use 3-page roadmap matrix provides three groups of three capabilities that describe a service in line with the RCUK common principles on research data policy. These capabilities are informed by the EPSRC data policy expectations of institutions it funds.​ The matrix can be used to structure a meeting between Library, IT and Research Support colleagues to plan a roadmap or action plan towards a live service. It is available to download in a Word doc version for editing.

Taking it further

Our online tool provides a more detailed set of 30 capabilities that describe a mature data management service. We offer support to use this tool, so if you'd like to use CARDIO for an in-depth self- assessment of your institution's service offering, please get in touch with us at We welcome your feedback and comments on the tool via