Because good research needs good data

Introduction to Research Data Management

25 June 2014 |

Research Councils and funding bodies are increasingly requiring evidence of adequate and appropriate provisions for data management and curation in new grant funding applications. This half-day workshop provides an introduction to research data management and curation, the range of activities and roles that should be considered when planning and implementing new projects, and an overview of tools that can assist with curation activities. A key goal for these workshops is to bring together different communities of practice to share their experiences and to identify where, when and how they can best cooperate to meet data curation challenges.  

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • understand funders' requirements for data management and sharing
  • learn how research data management and curation can facilitate data sharing and help to increase citations
  • understand what a data management plan is and how to go about completing one  
  • be aware of some of the free services and tools available 

Please provide feedback for the event. 



Welcome and objectives 

Juliet Harland, SHU


Quick quiz on RDM requirements 

Joy Davidson, DCC

Overview of the RDM and data sharing landscape

Joy Davidson, DCC
14:15 Coffee  
14:40 Overview of data sharing and data management planning  Joy Davidson, DCC
15:00 Data management planning exercise  All

Demo of DMPonline (see screencast)

Marta Ribeiro, DCC

Questions and wrap up




Costs and Registration

This is a free, internal event with registration being handled by Juliet Harland, SHU.