Because good research needs good data

Tools of the Trade Workshops

19 May 2010 |

The DCC ran two Tools of the Trade workshops in conjunction with the JISC MRD Progress Workshop. The first introduced users to the newly refined Data Asset Framework (DAF) toolkit and the second, held in cooperation with the University of London Computing Centre (ULCC), introduced users to the Assessing Institutional Digital Assets (AIDA) toolkit.

Each half-day workshop provided participants with an introduction to the tool and its underlying methodology. A key goal was to show how the tools may be used as a means of identifying data management requirements and benchmarking data management activity and improvement over time. The events also featured examples of the how the tools have been used in a real-life setting.

Introduction to the Data Asset Framework (DAF)

Introduction to Assessing Institutional Digital Assets (AIDA)

Costs and Registration

Participation in either or both of these events was free to project staff in the JISC Managing Research Data projects.