Because good research needs good data

DMPonline v3.0 launches

Martin Donnelly | 14 May 2012

The Digital Curation Centre is pleased to announce the launch of DMPonline v3.0

This new release marks a major progression in the software’s functionality. For the first time users can create data management plans incorporating multiple templates, so if your institution, your funder and your publisher all require data management plans, you can now create a single plan to satisfy them all.

There are also more granular export options, so you can choose to output only the sections you want to include in any given report, targeting it towards the intended readership. If you want to focus attention on just one facet of your data management plan, it’s easy: just select and deselect as required.

  • Other new features in v3.0 include:
  • Ability to share plans, and to edit them jointly with colleagues
  • Simultaneous viewing of multiple custom guidance notes
  • More flexible project stages (phases) for templates
  • User maintainable profile/login details
  • XLSX output

Over the coming months we will be rolling out a number of additional features, and further announcements will flag their release:

  • A facility for boilerplate text to be included within templates
  • Display of funder constraints on output (e.g. number of pages, word count etc)
  • Increased institutional customisability, including a new ‘administrator’ user type
  • Support for non-English Language versions of the tool

Also, as a result of ongoing consultation with our users, we'll be developing an API together with more new features to enable improved interoperation between DMPonline and other related systems and tools, and enhanced reporting capabilities for both system users and administrators including running word and page count to help users adhere to funders’ constraints, and a facility to publish plans without the need to log in.

If you would like to see any of these prioritised, we can move it up the list – just drop us a line and let us know, or request a new feature at

So visit and get started now, or check out the Open Source code on GitHub. And as ever, if you have suggestions about how we might continue to extend and improve DMPonline, we want to hear from you. Email and let us know what you think.