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ISO 3166: Country Codes

Date added 26 March 2009
Last edited 12 November 2009

Full Title

ISO 3166: Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and their Subdivisions


ISO 3166: Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and their Subdivisions enables the construction of codes for the representation of country names.

Part 1 allows 3 number numeric, 3 letter (Alpha-3) and 2 letter (Alpha-2) for current country names, dependencies and areas of geopolitical interest. The country names represented are established by the United Nations, and do not represent any legal status.

Part 2 provides a structure, and a code list, to enable administrative subdivisions of countries to be coded consistently. By adding a separator and three alphanumeric characters to the two letter (Alpha-2) country codes designated by part 1.

Part 3 enables universal alpabetic coding of country names which have been superseded or changed, and therefore withdrawn from the code lists designated by ISO 3166-1:2006.

Standards Developing Organisation



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Digital Archive Standards

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Metadata Content Standards

Current Version

ISO 3166 is made up of 3 parts, all of which are current. See Alternative Current Versions below.

Further Information

Alternative Current Versions

Previous Versions

Referenced Standards

ISO 2382-4: 1987, Information Processing Systems - Vocabulary - Part 4: Organization of Data
ISO 5127-1:1983, Documentation and Information Vocabulary - Part 1: Basic Concepts
ISO 639-1, Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages - Part 1: Alpha-2 Code
ISO 639-2, Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages - Part 2: Alpha-3 Code
ISO/IEC 10646, Information Technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)