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ISO 832:1994

Date added 28 August 2007
Last edited 28 August 2007

Full Title

ISO 832:1994 Information and documentation -- Bibliographic description and references -- Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms


ISO 832:1994 Information and documentation -- Bibliographic description and references -- Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms establishes rules to guide the abbreviation of words and word combinations commonly used in bibliographic descriptions and references, within the scope of other rules for creating these.

The standard includes rules for abbreviations, plurals, terms with latin equivalents, use of capital letters and compound word combinations. It does not cover the abbreviation of titles and title words, which is covered by ISO 4:1997

Standards Developing Organisation



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Standard Frameworks


Standard Type

Metadata Content Standards

Current Version

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Alternative Current Versions


Previous Versions


Referenced Standards

ISO 4: Title Word Abbreviation