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ISO/TR 18492: Long-term Preservation
Date added 8 October 2007
Last edited 11 November 2009
Full Title
ISO/TR 18492: Long-Term Preservation of Electronic Document-Based Information
ISO/TR 18492 gives guidance to digital repositories on the maintenance of, access to, and the authenticity of, electronic documents, in the light of the likliehood of computer hardware and software obsolecence. It applies to any digital documents whose useful life is likely to be longer than the hardware and software used to create, access and maintain them.
The technical report provides guidance on best practice and a framework for developing a long-term digital preservation strategy, which will ensure access and authenticity over the longterm. These include:
- Goals of a preservation strategy
- Required elements of a preservation strategy: media renewal, metadata and migration
- Development of a preservation strategy: policy, quality control, security and environmental control and monitoring.
- Information on selected national electronic records preservation programmes
- A bibliography
The report does not cover the creation, capture and classification of digital documents.
Standards Developing Organisation
- International Organization for Standardization
No information available.
Lifecycle Actions
- Curate and Preserve
- Preservation Action
- Preservation Planning
Standard Frameworks
- Digital Archive Standards
- Electronic Records Management Standards
Standard Type
- Digital Preservation Standards
Current Version
- 2005 - ISO/TR 18492: Long-Term Preservation of Electronic Document-Based Information [external]
- Full text available for purchase from ISO.
Further Information
Alternative Current Versions
Previous Versions
Referenced Standards
- ISO 11799, Information and Documentation - Document Storage Requirements for Archive and Library Materials
- ISO 12651:1999, Electronic Imaging - Vocabulary
- ISO 14721:2003, Space Data and Information Transfer Systems - Open Archival Information System - Reference Model
- ISO 15489-1, Information and Documentation - Records Management - Part 1: General
- ISO 15801: Electronic Imaging - Information Stored Electronically - Recommendations for Trustworthiness and Reliability
- ISO/IEC 17799, Information Technology - Security Techniques - Code of Practice for Information Security Management
- ISO/TR 15489-2, Information and Documentation - Records Management - Part 2: Guidelines
- ISO/TS 23081-1, Information and Documentation - Records Management Processes - Metadata for Records - Part 1: Principles