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ISO/TR 12037: Electronic Imaging, Expungement of Information
Date added 26 November 2008
Last edited 12 November 2009
Full Title
ISO/TR 12037: Electronic imaging - Recommendations for the Expungement of Information Recorded on Write-once Optical Media
ISO/TR 12037 deals with the expungement of information recorded on write-once optical media when required to do so through a court order or at the demand of an administrative authority. Procedures are established to ensure a consistent approach to removal of information from the optical media and documentation of actions undertaken.
Standards Developing Organisation
- International Organization for Standardization
No information available.
Lifecycle Action
- Dispose
Standard Framework
- Electronic Records Management Standards
Standard Type
- Security Standards
Current Version
- 1998 - ISO/TR 12037: Electronic Imaging - Recommendations for the Expungement of Information Recorded on Write-once Optical Media [external]
- Full text available for purchase from ISO.
Further Information
Alternative Current Versions
Previous Versions
Referenced Standards
- Not known