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Posters and demonstrations
- Submitting BIG data to a DSpace repository
Ian, Wellaway, Evans, Jill; Organization(s): University of Exeter, United Kingdom
- RightField - Semantic annotation within spreadsheets by stealth (Best Poster Award at IDCC13)
Owen, Stuart (1); Wolstencroft, Katy (1); Horridge, Matthew (3); Mueller, Wolfgang (2); Snoep, Jacky (1); du Preez, Franco (1); Nguyen, Quyen (2); Krebs, Olga (2); Goble, Carole (1); Organization(s): 1: University of Manchester, United Kingdom; 2: HITS gGmbH, Heidelberg, Germany; 3: Bio-Medical Informatics Research Group, Stanford University, USASupporting metadata capture and search within DaMaRO with enhanced user experience
- Supporting metadata capture and search within DaMaRO with enhanced user experience
Akram, Asif; Organization: Oxford University, United Kingdom
- The SEAD (Sustainable Environment-Actionable Data) DataNet Prototype
McDonald, Robert H. (1); Plale, Beth (1); Myers, James (2); Hedstrom, Margaret (3); Kumar, Praveen (4); Chandrasekar, Kavitha (1); Kouper, Inna (1); Konkiel, Stacy R. (1); Organization(s): 1: Indiana University, United States of America; 2: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States of America; 3: University of Michigan, United States of America; 4: University of Illinois, United States of AmericaDataUp:
Enabling Data Stewardship for Researchers
Tolle, Kristin. (1), Strasser, Carly (2); Cruse, Patricia (2); Kunze, John(2) ; Organization(s): 1: Microsoft Research Connections Team, Microsoft Research, (2): California Digital Library, United States of America
- Radieschen: A framework for a multi-disciplinary Research Data Infrastructure
Schaefer, Leonie (1); Klump, Jens (1); Enke, Harry (2); Klar, Jochen (2); Koehler, Klaus (3); Koudela, Daniela (3); Mueller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph (3); Strathmann, Stefan (4); Ludwig, Jens (4); Engelhardt, Claudia (4); Rathmann, Torsten (5); van Uytvanck, Dieter (6); Plaga, Vlado (6); Organization(s): 1: GFZ German Research Centre for the GeoSciences, Germany; 2: Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics (AIP), Germany; 3: Centre for Information Services in High Performance Computing (ZIH), Germany; 4: Goettingen State and University Library, Germany; 5: DKRZ - The German Climate Computing Centre, Germany; 6: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands
- Integrating Data Sharing and Data Curation in a Normative Brain Imaging Bank
Rodriguez Gonzalez, David (1,2); Job, Dominic (2); Dickie, David Alexander (2); Shenkin, Susan (2); Wardlaw, Joanna (2); Organization(s): 1: Edinburgh Data Intensive Resarch, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2: Brain Research Imaging Centre, Neuroimaging Sciences, University of Edinburgh
- Experiments in data discovery: adapting library practices
Kotarski, Rachael; Ashton, Jan; Gyngell, Anna; Newbold, Elizabeth; Organization: British Library, United Kingdom
- The Archive and Data Management Training Centre: An Infrastructure for the Social Sciences
Horton, Laurence; Katsanidou, Alexia; Recker, Astrid; Organization: GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Germany
- Curation Problems in Large Diverse Data Collections - The Case of the DoBeS Annotations
König, Alexander; Drude, Sebastian; Organization: Max Planck Institut for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands, The
- Digital Curation in DSpace 3.0
Lutyem, Bram; Organization: @mire, Belgium
- Where Have All the Scientific Data Gone: LIS Perspective on the Data At Risk Predicament
Thompson, Cheryl Annette; Robertson, William Davenport; Greenberg, Jane; Organization: University of North Carolina, United States of America
- DataUp: Enabling Data Stewardship for Researchers
Strasser, Carly; Cruse, Patricia; Kunze, John; Organization: California Digital Library, United States of America
- Data curation tasks performed by data producers throughout the data life cycle
Wallis, Jillian C ; Organization: University of Michigan, United States of America
- Putting the 'service' into research data management
Beard, Lorraine; Organization: University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- Towards an A-Z of visual arts research data: disseminating guidance and information from the KAPTUR Environmental Assessment Report.
Burgess, Robin (1); Gramstadt, Marie-Therese (2); Organization(s): 1: The Glasgow School of Art; 2: Visual Arts Data Service (VADS), University for the Creative Arts, United Kingdom
- The Data Management Audit as an Academic Library Service
Eaker, Christopher; Organization: University of Tennessee, United States of America
- An OGC-based Service Oriented Architecture Approach for a Data and Research Infrastructure
Engel, Thomas; Müller, Hartmut; Bruhn, Kai-Christian; Boos, Silke; Organization: i3mainz - Institute for Spatial Information- and Surveying-Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz / Germany
- Encouraging junior researchers to value and share data management skills
Evans, Jill; Cole, Gareth; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah; Beeson, James; Organization: University of Exeter, United Kingdom
- Creating an Online Training Module on Research Data Management for the University of Bath
Guy, Marieke (1); Pink, Catherine (2); Cope, Jez (3); Highfield, Mike (4); Organization(s): 1: DCC, UKOLN, United Kingdom; 2: Research360, UKOLN, United Kingdom; 3: Research360, University of Bath; 4: External Consultant
- DaMaRO Project poster
Wilson, James A J; Organization: University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE)
Michener, William (1); Budden, Amber (1); Vieglais, Dave (2); Koskela, Rebecca (1) Organization(s): 1: University of New Mexico, United States of America; 2: University of Kansas, United States of America
- Supplemental Files in Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Implications for Policy and Practice
Shreeves, Sarah L.Organization(s): University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States of America
- Developing research support services to raise awareness of data preservation: the DICE, PrePARe, and SHARD projects
Fay, Ed (1); Bultman, Barbara (2); Sleeman, Patricia (3) Organization(s): 1: London School of Economics, United Kingdom; 2: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; 3: University of London Computing Centre, United Kingdom
- Creating a Framework for Applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation
Zierau, Eld (1); Schultz, Matt (2); Skinner, Katherine (2) Organization(s): 1: The Royal Library of Denmark, Denmark; 2: Educopia Institute, MetaArchive Cooperative, U.S.
- Linking data with publications using semantic web technology. An illustration with data files in 3TU.Datacentrum and the Escape tool.
van Bentum, Maarten (1); Osinski, Leon (2) Organization(s): 1: University of Twente, Netherlands, The; 2: Eindhoven University of Technology
- Enabling Emulation as a Digital Preservation Approach: The TOTEM technical registry
Delve, Janet (1); Anderson, David (1); Puhl, Johanna (2); Rechert, Klaus (3); Dirk, von den Suchodoletz (3) Organization(s): 1: University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom; 2: University of Cologne, Germany; 3: University of Freiburg, Germany
- Faculty Management of the Personal Data Lifecycle: Disciplinary Practices and Needs
Cahoy, Ellysa Stern; Antonijevic, Smiljana; Novotny, Eric Organization(s): Penn State University Libraries, United States of America
- Practitioners Need Better Characterisation Tools
Wheatley, Paul Robert Organization(s): University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- Auditing Distributed Digital Preservation Networks
Crabtree, Jonathan D. (1); Altman, Micah (2); Christian, Thu-Mai (1); McGovern, Nancy (2) Organization(s): 1: UNC Chapel Hill, United States of America; 2: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Two tools for supporting research data management plans: one for the grant proposal writer and another for the proposal's reviewer
Fearon. Jr., David Spencer; Gunia, Elizabeth Organization(s): Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, United States of America
- The importance of experiential learning in educating effective data curators and information professionals
Siddell, Kayla Desiree Organization(s): University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States of America
- Describing the quality of research datasets across disciplines: a comparative study
Chao, Tiffany Organization(s): University of Illinois, United States of America
- Institutional Guidance on Research Data Management at the University of Leicester
Tedds, Jonathan; Burnham, Andrew; Rowlands, Ian; Warrier, Meera; Steve, Loddington Organization(s): University of Leicester, United Kingdom
- Levels of Services and Curation for High-Functioning Data
Choudhury, G Sayeed (2); Palmer, Carole (1); Baker, Karen S (1); DiLauro, Timothy (2) Organization(s): 1: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America; 2: Johns Hopkins University
- Value and Impact of Research Data Centres and Services
Beagrie, Neil (1); Jeffrey, Stuart (2); Houghton, John (3) Organization(s): 1: Charles Beagrie Ltd, United Kingdom; 2: Archaeology Data Service, University of York; 3: Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University
- Towards a European Collaborative Data Infrastructure
Salman, Nagham; Vicente, David Organization(s): EUDAT, Spain
- Emerging and innovating research support in academic libraries: The datametrics agenda
Corrall, Sheila Mary (1); Kennan, Mary Anne (2); Afzal, Waseem (2); Organization(s): 1: University of Pittsburgh, United States of America; 2: Charles Sturt University, Australia
- The CLARIN-NL Data Curation Service: Why and How
van den Heuvel, Henk; Oostdijk, Nelleke; Treurniet, Maaske; Organization: CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, The
- imeji - Publish Your Scientific Media Data
Kleinfercher, Friederike; Saquet, Bastien; Organization: Max Planck Digital Library, Germany
- Supporting data curation through the front office and back office model
Schoots, Fieke (1); Verhaar, Peter (1); Dillo, Ingrid (2); de Smaele, Madeleine (3); Organization(s): 1: Leiden University Libraries, Netherlands, The; 2: Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS ), Netherlands, The; 3: 3TU.Datacentrum, Netherlands, The
- Reformatting, Appraising and Selecting Content Extracted from Obsolete Removable Digital Media
Popp, Tracy (1); Shreeves, Sarah (1); Lyle, Jared (2); Organization(s): 1: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America; 2: The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Science Research at the University of Michigan, United States of America
- The tail and the telling: Distribtuion of NSF funding 2008-2011
Weber, Nicholas Matthew; Organization: University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, United States of America
- Research Data @ Essex: implementing EPrints for research data
Ensom, Tom; Wolton, Alexis; Van den Eynden, Veerle; Corti, Louise; Organization: University of Essex, United Kingdom
- Supporting metadata capture and search within DaMaRO with enhanced user experience
Akram, Asif; Organization(s): Oxford University, United Kingdom
- Longitudinal studies and the Research Data Lifecycle: Application of the Data Documentation Initiative
McMahon, Christiana (1); Dezateux, Carol (1); Castillo, Tito (1); Kehoe, Dennis (2); Alexandrakis, Stelios (1); Organization(s): 1: University College London; 2: AIMES Grid Services
- The Migration from Information Science Data Curation Student to Data Curation Professional
Johns, Erica Mehan; Organization: The University of Tennessee, United States of America
- Transferring the TR32DB Data Management Approach to another Interdisciplinary Research Project
Curdt, Constanze; Hoffmeister, Dirk; Organization: University of Cologne, Germany
- Working collaboratively with PhD and Early Career Researchers: agents for change
White, Wendy; Cox, Simon; Earl, Graeme; Scott, Mark; Byatt, Dorothy; Hitchcock, Steve; Organization: University of Southampton, United Kingdom
- The SEAD (Sustainable Environment-Actionable Data) DataNet Prototype: Preserving data for environmental sciences in areas of climate, land use and environmental management
McDonald, Robert H. (1); Plale, Beth (1); Myers, James (2); Hedstrom, Margaret (3); Kumar, Praveen (4); Chandrasekar, Kavitha (1); Kouper, Inna (1); Konkiel, Stacy R. (1); Organization(s): 1: Indiana University, United States of America; 2: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; 3: University of Michigan, United States of America; 4: University of Illinois
- Hunger for Automation – The first migration actions in our Rosetta Digital Archive
Friese, Yvonne; Organization: ZBW Kiel, Germany
- Building a Data Preservation Infrastructure to Support OAIS Conformant Archives
Crompton, Shirley (1); Shaon, Arif (1); Giaretta, David (1,2); Matthews, Brian (1); Brocks, Holger (3); Engel, Felix (4); Di Giammatteo, Ugo (5); Marelli, Fulvio (6); Tona, Calogera (6)
Organization(s): 1: Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom; 2: Alliance for Permant Access; 3: InConTec GmbH, Germany; 4: FTK Forschungsinstitut fur Telekcommunikation; 5: Advanced Computer Systems; 6: European Space Agency